The projects funded by the Euphresco network generally focus on regulated or emerging pests. Applied topics with a good chance of delivering tangible outputs are preferred, but strategic topics are not excluded.
Euphresco seeks transnational interest:
- meeting the challenge of growing global trade
- pooling research budgets to provide for financial ‘critical mass’
- combining international expertise which is necessary for success
- meeting the challenge of eroding expertise on phytosanitary topics
In 2017, Euphresco members have published the 2017-2022 Strategic Research Agenda to identify plant health research priorities to be addressed over the medium term through national and transnational efforts. The activities of Euphresco members will be synchronised with other research agendas so that:
- topics are complementary and do not overlap with topics proposed by other funding mechanisms
- topics are in line with research priorities of national and international policy makers
- topics support poly making on a given pest
The main objectives of topics selected in the past are: